Tuesday, June 27, 2006

two ultrasounds, baby so shy!

owh i am sooo bz...!! helping with the babies' nenek n atuk with their boutique and MLM stuff. dat's y no updates. i get too tired to blog when i come back home from werk (still hafto cook...)

we had 2 ultrasounds, and maybe one more this wednesday (the beauty of private hospitals, tak kedekut duit, bayar saja, thank God for abah's ING). both times Blobby so shy, Blobby still very small but the sac is already BIG! and i saw the heartbeat ah what a relieve! my nausea got worst everyday and lately, i vomit everyday, at least once. only yesterday my appetite got a BIT ok. itupun i did throw up in the morning *sigh*.

now dah masuk 9 weeks... hmm... bila nak abis 1st trimester ni, cus i'm a bit cautious this 2nd time. yelah got history of miscarriage, then badan pun tak berapa nak bagus dengan gemuknya dengan fatiguenya dengan nausea teruk, agak risau. thank God i got good support from everyone.

off to work now...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days old!

hehe today's a nice age-day for Jazz! today ummi tak hantar Jazz oegi umah mama dia (her sitter) cus Ummi punya ammendments untuk Major Project pun dah nak siap, sikit je lagi tinggal and then ummi nak bwk Jazz pegi playground, exercise sikit.

have trouble sleeping this few days. sakit belakang! keep on terbangun malam malam. boleh tahan penagan Blobby ni.yang Jazz pulak tengah2 malam mesti nak bangun tido atas katil peluk Ummi. anak Ummi semua manja belaka!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Baby Uniqueness

sehari suntuk Ummi tido semalam. can't describe how fatigue i was, tapi bila dah tido je pening kepala la pulak.

i can feel dat carrying Blobby differs from carrying Jazz. maybe because of age... metabolism... stamina... maybe. or is it gender difference between babies? too early to tell. with Blobby ummi gets tired more in this earlier stage, with Jazzy ummi did get tired but not until i hadto sleep all day. mentang2 dah lepas presentation on Monday, ummi janji nak kemas umah ngan abah semalam tak buat pun. and ummi is suppose to ammend a bit of my major project, pun tak usik. agaknya Blobby marah ummi asik kurang tido masa buat assignment, dia bantai suruh tido sehari suntuk! :op~

and then with Jazzy dulu, ummi hari hari wanna eat chocs and anything sweet, but Blobby ni dah la kurang selera, tapi bila makan pilih yang pedas, masin, ummi nak beli bun pun sampai asik beli bun ikan bilis. abis manis pun Blobby nak raisin bun je. aritu lepas scan ummi beli chocolate donut tak abis pun. tapi yang bestnya, both of em hantu pisang! hahah. now everyday must haf banana in d kitchen, Jazzy pulak dulu everyday abah hafta buy me roti pisang kat mamak bangi. ahhaha, korang semua memang pandai buli abah!

aha... Blobby dah buat ummi muntah sekali dah. hahah. lepas presentation aritu, maybe i was too tired, i got very dizzy and my nausea takleh tahan dah, muntah juga akhirnya haha. but lepas tu takdek, baru sekali.

Jazzmeen everyday kiss my tummy. i hope dia tak ngamuk lagi kata tanak baby macam dulu-dulu. risau ummi kalau my two kids nanti cannot get along. i dont like dat. my kids must unite!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


A concerned medical practioner finally confirmed Blobby-Baby's existence in Ummi's womb... today.

Ummi, Abah and Sis Jazz went to Az-Zahrah today, where Ummi had the check-ups and birthed Sis Jazz there, did an Ultrasound and urine test, jeng jeng jeng... Blobby finally made an appearance. Confirmed, 6 six weeks pregnant, but according to doctor, Blobby's due date is 6th of February 2007, unlike the calculations Ummi did in many gears in the net, 5th of February. alah only one day je beza dia.

So today, Ummi finally announce d news to some other people and making this blog public.

Body changes... entah, ok plak kali ni. Abah jelah yang bermasalah, diala yang pening dia la yang loya, dia la perut berangin... hahaha. Ummi ok je, letih je sikit, loya tu ada tapi taklah sampai muntah. and my appetite still kurang, but tadi Ummi masak daging masak kicap, berselera lah pulak. nampaknya Blobby ni macam abahnya jugak la ni, berhantu makan daging kicap.

tinggal lagi satu je lagi subjek baby... tak lama lagi kita boleh rest, masa ummi keje ngan nenek. nenek pun happy je tgk perut ummi yang dah agak besar ni. baru sebulan setengah, perut ummi dah buncit, maklumlah memang dah asalnya buncit sebelum baby duduk dalam tu. masa scan tadi pun Blobby tak nampak sangat, yang besar uri dia.

Alhamdulillah... things are smooth and happiness in the family bertambah-tambah.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tiresome days...

I really don't wanna blame my pregnancy for anything, for d baby has been very much anticipated. but i'm just gonna let out my feelings here...

I'm so tired... i sleep more nowadays. well according to any pregnancy books/articles dat's normal during 1st trimester...

i feel a bit guilty, i hope i'm not neglecting baby's health, cus it's very early in my pregnancy and i really should be careful. i should sleep accordingly, exercise a little and eat properly. but due to my daily activities, i'm a bit constrained from this, sorry baby... kejap je lagi, ummi dah nak abis sem dah ni, 2-3 hari je lagi. there's too many things ummi need to settle before ummi really jaga u in there. and Sis Jazz is even more demanding these days, not forget abah, who is worst :op~~

i guess d mood swings is kicking in already. i don't get angry much (yet) but i really really haf no mood to do my major project. i suddenly despise my story, drawings and d work i need to do to complete this subject. dah start buat cincai dah ni. urrgghh! i hope mood gets better next sem. prolly this is one way baby is telling me, 'ummi, i am not gonna be an artist/animator, so please quit drawing!!' haha... i don't know :op~~

morning sickness still hasn't come, thank God!! yang muntah aritu abah, adeke, saper yang mengandung ni abah ni? sebuk je nak muntah2 plak. tak pernah2 abah muntah macam tu teruk, eee... ni mesti abah tersampuk pembawakan budak jugak nih. kesian pulak tgk abah, asalkan ummi sendiri tak tahan naik kancil pinjam tu, kereta baru tak sampai2. ni plak abah kena naik everyday to n fro keje. hai... nak wat camana kata nak kereta baru, sabarlah.

6th week of pregnancy... still very early and vulnerable. God save my baby.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Ode to a brand new life

I'm beginning this blog, the very day feel so positive that I am going to embark another journey of... pregnancy.

By today, I am already late by 8 days from my menses, which makes me 35 days pregnant, by menstrual-calculation. by right this is my 5th week on my third pregnancy, 3 years after the birth of my eldest daughter Jazzmeen Adreanna and almost 2 years after my 2nd unborn child.

i am contented, but i'm not making this news and blog public yet, cus it's much too early and like the old folks say 'let it be 2-3 months before you announce it'. right now, only family knows. but of course i will make it public, when i'm ready.

my condition's alright, morning sickness... i can say almost none yet, nausea still could be tolerated and headaches... ah just sleep it off and it will go away eventually. my concern now is my appetite. i'm losing it badly, unlike when it was with Jazz. i haven't been eating much.

it's just 5 weeks tho, no obvious symptoms yet. haven't gone to the doctor yet, except last saturday i wanted to confirm my pregnancy, but ah, he was just a male doctor who's not excited of new lives going to be conceived. he didn't wait long enough to let the 2nd line to appear, although very faint, and normally at that point, a concerned doctor might have done an ultrasound, but he didn't. wrong move to go to him, he might be a good normal physician, but not in women's field. but he prolly had too many kids already to be excited as i am.

i am still very busy with my final project for this 5th semester of mine in LUCT, on fact i had very little sleep last night, half the amount i should be getting. so i would prolly jest sleep early tonite, haf a good rest before buckling up for work work work tomorrow.

so new baby, ummi have got to rest... welcome to this world. Assalamualaikum.