Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tiresome days...

I really don't wanna blame my pregnancy for anything, for d baby has been very much anticipated. but i'm just gonna let out my feelings here...

I'm so tired... i sleep more nowadays. well according to any pregnancy books/articles dat's normal during 1st trimester...

i feel a bit guilty, i hope i'm not neglecting baby's health, cus it's very early in my pregnancy and i really should be careful. i should sleep accordingly, exercise a little and eat properly. but due to my daily activities, i'm a bit constrained from this, sorry baby... kejap je lagi, ummi dah nak abis sem dah ni, 2-3 hari je lagi. there's too many things ummi need to settle before ummi really jaga u in there. and Sis Jazz is even more demanding these days, not forget abah, who is worst :op~~

i guess d mood swings is kicking in already. i don't get angry much (yet) but i really really haf no mood to do my major project. i suddenly despise my story, drawings and d work i need to do to complete this subject. dah start buat cincai dah ni. urrgghh! i hope mood gets better next sem. prolly this is one way baby is telling me, 'ummi, i am not gonna be an artist/animator, so please quit drawing!!' haha... i don't know :op~~

morning sickness still hasn't come, thank God!! yang muntah aritu abah, adeke, saper yang mengandung ni abah ni? sebuk je nak muntah2 plak. tak pernah2 abah muntah macam tu teruk, eee... ni mesti abah tersampuk pembawakan budak jugak nih. kesian pulak tgk abah, asalkan ummi sendiri tak tahan naik kancil pinjam tu, kereta baru tak sampai2. ni plak abah kena naik everyday to n fro keje. hai... nak wat camana kata nak kereta baru, sabarlah.

6th week of pregnancy... still very early and vulnerable. God save my baby.

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