Tuesday, October 10, 2006

After 23 weeks...

today i enter my 24th week of pregnancy, in completion of this week 7 days later, i'll begin my journey into my 3rd trimester!

Chimmoot is very very active, kicking everyday. i'll notice when he wakes up, he'll move around as if there's a football field inside my womb :o). Although his size isn't as big as his sister, I think he's in a good health. My fastings are okay too, i dun eat much when berbuka, but i drink a lot! i do haf fears sumtimes of dehydration or lack of air ketuban, but often when i fell worried, Chimmoot will start kicking like he wanna tell, 'Ummi, I'm fine, really!' so my fear subside.

Next week I'm scheduled for a detail scanning, owh I can't wait! cus there's a big chance for us to know Chimmoot's gender. i dunno, i really feel the urgency to know this time, unlike Jazz, we didn't exactly know until she was born.

I thank God for a smooth pregnancy up until now, even smoother than Jazz's time. with the haze and heat, my conditions are generally fine. i dun haf terrible asthma, just that slight dehydration problem during the earlier days. Alhamdulillah... and i hope this scenario stays up until Chimmot's birthday.. :o))

here's iVillage Daily Calendar writings on baby's development for today...
Size Your baby weighs a little over a pound and is about 8 1/2 inches long -- the size of a banana.
Development Your baby's skin becomes less translucent as pigment is deposited, and it looks wrinkly because her body is making her skin more quickly than it makes the fat to pad underneath it. Your baby's unique hand- and footprints are forming.

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