Monday, July 03, 2006

Blobby is now.... Chimmoot!

jest came back from my first O&G check up for Blob..opps, Chimmoot!

why Chimmoot? long story-lah, begins with the nickname i call Jazz is sometimes Chippo, because haha, not to offense her or nething cus Jazz is a 'semangat' baby right from inside my womb, sampailah la ni, dah keluar, badan dia dengan tinggi nya chubbynya, macam baby Chippo - Hippo yang Comel hahaha. so it's like a cute way to say she's big haha...

so Chimmoot... why Chimmoot? hmm... jest now when doctor scanned Chimmoot, Chimmoot is a bit smaller in size compared to his/her age in the womb, suppose to be 9 weeks plus, but Chimmoot only sized 8 weeks :o( badan umminya je yang besar, anaknye alahai... mana taknye umminya memanjang muntah makan muntah makan muntah, takder selera and stuffs, manalah si Chimmoot tu nak besar.

Owh i'm worried, cara doctor bertanya macam macam tadi pun nampak sangat concern nya, yelah ummi dah ada kes miscarriage, pastu Jazz pulak masa lahir tak reti reti nak keluar eventho dah induce, so this 3rd one perlu dipantau rapi! adoi ummi peninglah gini, ummi sedih naperlah ummi nausea teruk sangat ni sampai Chimmoot comel sangat. tapi legalah ummi nampak heartbeat Chimmoot bukan main active lagi and Chimmoot dah visible betul compared to last 2 weeks yang sgt susah nak dicarik. aper aperhal ummi syukur, Chimmoot masih ok kat dalam tu and ummi doakan Chimmoot akan besar dengan normal, walaupun tak serapid kakaknya..!

1 comment:

123 said...

Congrats again!!! Hope that both of you doing good.