Sunday, July 23, 2006

God I am So Pregnant!

it's 5.38 am Sunday morning and I'm very much awake!!

It's gonna be 3 months of pregnancy soo, first trimester is gonna end, and I am sooo pregnant :op~. All d symptoms are kicking in, and good news, i'm beginning to eat more! haha

Nausea is still there but thanks to Maxalon prescripted by my doctor, i could curb my morning sickness a bit. But the hardest thing to do is sleeping! although i easily fell asleep, but i easily wakes up too. and before, whenever i wake up i could sleep again, but today i woke up, try to get back to sleep, instead, i went to d kitchen and seek for biscuits hahah. so hungry. then try to get back to sleep, cannot already, i end up typing this entry.

my two lumps are beginning to hurt. aiyoh so tender already, so i think Chimmoot is gonna haf a lotta milk to drink later :o) i can't wait for my next appointment, but i already switched to Doktor Pakar instead of normal O&G doctor because of my previous dehydration. i doubt dat i still dehydrate, cus i think i've been eating well. i stopped takng MMT too, cus i could cope with my gastritis. i remember during Jazz's time i had terrible asthma, but i don't seem to haf it yet for this pregnancy. dunno if it will occur later.

i dunno if there are any other mothers reading my entries, but if there are, i'd like to hear your experiences too, especially for 1st time mothers. according to my webstat meters this blog is visited by many people from various countries so... yeah let's share some info!

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