Friday, December 22, 2006

Ouch! My Hands hurt!

Carpal TUnnel Syndrome.

getting it again, i guess! sux, the pain sux. it feels like numbing across my hands, especially after waking up sleeping on my side. my blood vessels are swelling thus it's 'crushing' each other. some article says this is common towards the end of pregnancy. wutever it is, it sux. i could barely do nething much, even opening a bottle of 100 plus is a fuss. typing makes it sore, but bareable. the sucky thing is i can't do my ironing while the bajus are piling up like crazy again!! aaaa!! tensionnya!!

Today i'm 33 weeks and 3 days into my pregnancy. Hmm... nice number. last nite got kenduri at Along's for tahlil and for praying the safety of rombongan pengantin lelaki ke Pahang today, her son. i'm not going to Pahang, gila? hehe. mom and my whole family's going cept syamin, who jest got fever yesterday. demam abis SPM. citer dah menyimpang. sebenarnya nak citer, masa kenduri semalam, many of my experienced aunties and uncles kecoh, 'Ni dah nak beranak budak ni!' konon my perut turunlah, my face dah swell macam dah nak bersalin lah, eeee bikin cuak betul semua orang. my mom dok sengih-sengih, sukalah tu nak dapat cucu baru. katanya tunggu mama balik dari Pahang baru beranak. Apa diorang ni ingat aku suka ke beranak awal-awal ni. baru 33 weeks oi!!!

Physchologically, i was affected by all those comments last nite. terasa macam my opnening was effacing last nite. it hurts! dunnolah dah efface ke belum, Sunday ni next check up, kita tunggu dan lihat. berjalan bukan macam Happy Feet dah, dah macam tortoise. slow giler sebab my ari-ari area is soooo uncomfortable. hmm... diorang punya pasal la ni kecoh-kecoh semalam. eeee geramnya aku...!!

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