Sunday, January 07, 2007

Check Up 7th January 2007

[070107] Nice Date!

Well... Khayra's fine. Size ok, up to her age, or maybe just slightly lighter. Position ok, head down, haven't engaged... Yeah, she's just fine!

But I am not.

My urine still got problems. Albumin's there, still, and it's still quite high. Now doctor's worried of my kidney function, and asked if i have had family history of high blood pressure. She wants me to be referred to the specialist AGAIN. AARRGHHH!!!! our allocation for specialists are used up, so she said i should go to Hospital Putrajaya, yes, again. AAAAA!!! AAAA!!!! AAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apa niii!!

So... we're going to Hospital Putrajaya tomorrow. dunno how will dat turn out. The doctor jest now said i'd prolly be referred to a Neferlogist [heck i dunno wat dat is or i spelt it right]. So, i'm getting ready to wait long hours at dat hospital and being pushed around. *sigh* This is bad bad bad for my emotional state!

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