Thursday, January 04, 2007

Too young a babysitter!!

To ppl who watched the news yesterday [and 999, or read newspaper today] would've prolly heard bout a babysitter's husband who killed baby Mohd Airell Azim who is only 8 months old with a pillow [suffocating him], JUST BECAUSE the baby couldn't stop crying.

When i heard the news, at first i was devastated, how could you do such thing to a infant who doesn't know anything?!! Furthermore, you're PAID to take a good care of him! But when the newscaster voice out the age of the babysitter and her husband, i was like... Hah, no wonder!

Ok, I was a young mother. i was only 23 when i had Jazz, and it is said that women mature faster then men. Now, the murderer's age is 23. To my experience, I remembered being furious towards my own few days old baby who couldn't stop crying especially at night. With my C-Section wound still pounding, it was quite annoying ALTHOUGH i am her MOTHER. I tried to be patient with Jazz, but when i got impatient, me n hubby would get into fighting. But As we age we began to be 'immune' with Jazz's shouting, screaming and crying. Sumtimes we could just ignore her screamings for hours, yes, hours.

Now, back to the baby's story. The guy is 23, his wife is 22. hmm... Does this couple EVEN HAS A BABY OF THEIR OWN?! man, i doubt. [update: they do haf one child, ONE] I know this may sound awkward, but i partly blame the parents, why sent the infant to such young couple?! ok i know i know even old ppl sumtimes dera budak, but the younger the age is, the more likely the person to be panas baran, moreover at night, when they're tired after a day's work. But yeah, malang tak berbau. or prolly the parents had no other options opened. Of course, the parents' fault is too teeny-weeny compared to the cold-blooded murder done by that 23 years old man. However berserabut ur kepala is, or however big ur problems are, it doesn't give u the right to kill sumone else's infant, or put it this way, killing another makhluk Allah! Gila ke?!

*sigh* so many cases of babysitters lately. i thank God that we rarely have problems with Kak Zan [Jazz's babysitter], we sent Jazz to her since she was one year and 3 months. Now Jazz is almost four, apart from slight cleanliness problems, we never had any big issues with her. bertambah gemuk and spoilt lagi aderlah budak tu. Tapi risau jugak ni, dah sebulan lebih Jazz ni duduk umah, nanti nak anta semula sure meraung-raung. I've been reminding her dat she's going back to her mama's [she calls Kak Zan mama] house once Khayra is birthed to take care of Khayra there when i'm off to work. she'd scream her lungs out 'TANAK!!'. yeap. DIE.

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